Здесь мы раскажем как содержать соболя дома ,в дому в квартире или уличном вольере,
Если планируете держать дикое животное в помещении – неважно, колонка либо соболя, не рассчитывайте, что он сразу же Вас полюбит. Здесь важно понимать такой ключевой момент: не нужно ожидать от зверька всего и сразу – особенно, в первое время. Просто соблюдайте спокойствие и терпение – и через определенный период времени все труды будут вознаграждены.
Для начала оптимальный вариант – размещение соболя в свободной клетке – вместе с нужными аксессуарами – домом, лотком, поилкой с водичкой.
Дом-гнездышко должен быть оснащен подстилкой – допустим, сеном либо старыми вещичками. Так животное будет прятаться, если устанет от внимания – другими словами, это гарантирует ему безопасность. Если клетка не самых крупных размеров, располагайте дом не с внутренней, а с наружной части – это залог экономии местечка под прогулки.(размер домика мин 15 на 15 см мак 25 на 25)
соболя очень любят гамаки,но частенько их портят поэтому проще сделать гамак из ненужной тряпки проделав в ней четыре дырки и повесить на карабинах
Не удивляйтесь, что на первых порах зверек будет справлять свои естественные потребности, не покидая гнезда в домике (он еще к Вам до конца не привык и относится с опаской). Через какое-то время он пообвыкнется, подберет себе вариант уборной – как правило, речь идет о каком-нибудь уголке в клетке. Именно там и располагайте лоток – только сперва используйте специализированный наполнитель (лучше всего – древесный).или вообще без него ,так как это меньше грязи
Оптимальный выход – поначалу перекладывать в лоток все экскременты соболя – так Вы покажете ему, где находится уборная. Чтобы Ваш подопечный как можно скорее перестал справлять свои нужды непосредственно в гнездышке, не перебарщивайте с территорией дома – она не должна быть чрезмерно огромной (но и не тесной).
При кормлении четко соблюдайте режим – когда попало этого делать нельзя – исключительно в утреннее и вечернее время. Если что-то не съедено – очищайте клетку. В большинстве случаев, зверьки оперативно свыкаются с новыми условиями и в установленное время уже ожидают свою еду.
После этого старайтесь сделать так, чтобы зверек не опасался принимать пищу прямо при Вас. Что делать? Когда кормите, молча сидите около клетки соболя. Резкие движения уберите, не шумите. Повторите процесс несколько раз – и животное быстро к Вам привыкнет, не будет обращать внимания на Ваше присутствие.
Дальнейший этап – сделать так, чтобы зверек начал есть прямо из рук. Сперва для животного это станет небольшим стрессом, так что начинайте с кормления с ложки (главное, чтобы она была сделана из дерева). Так можно давать не только стандартный корм, но разные десерты – допустим, мед, орешки, мясо – главное, не перебарщивать ни с чем. Через какое-то время животное не будет бояться, что к нему тянут руку – он сам станет подбегать за любимой пищей либо кормом. И это идеальный момент для кормления с рук. Сперва он будет просто вырывать лакомство, и убегать – будьте аккуратны. После этого выпускайте его прямо в комнату, . Точно также – через корм либо десерт, зверька можно спокойно направлять в клетку.
Никогда не запугивайте животное, не ловите его силой. Так Вы лишь растянете процедуру воспитания на более существенные сроки. У зверька шикарные умственные способности, отличная память – если его взять с сопротивлением, в другой раз он попробует просто-напросто сбежать. Также может начать рычать и проявлять негативные эмоции.
Соболь довольно спокойный зверек – если он зарычал, просто не трогайте его больше и все будет нормально.
Если он начал прикусывать руку, громко скажите «нельзя» либо «айй». Не бейте и не запугивайте соболя. Самый крайний случай – коснитесь пальцем его носика и добавьте, что «нельзя».
Не удерживайте животное на руках, если есть чужие – он пугливый, может начать вырываться. Нечаянно Вас поцарапает, прикусит или даже описается.
Основной момент: если соболь не хочет, чтобы его держали на руках – обязательно отпускайте.
Только не выполняйте раздражающие его действия – чтобы он не злился. Так можно потерять его доверие и нарушить все контакты – особенно, если это девочка. При этом животное должно хорошо понять, какие действия допустимы, а какие – нет. Поэтому спокойно, не конфликтуя, исправляйте его при помощи команды «нельзя» либо обычного слова «айй».
После этого, когда привыкнете друг к другу, делайте, что хотите – животное не будет так обижаться. Но сперва нужно перетерпеть момент притирки.
Если пользоваться такими простыми способами приручения, Ваш зверек поймет, что Вы ему – друг. После этого он самостоятельно будет прыгать на Ваши коленки, для спроса любимого десерта. Куньи – умнейшие животные, они отлично понимают, как к ним относятся. Так что немного терпения и упорства – и результаты Вас приятно удивят.
Также надо понимать что все в семье должны хоть как то общаться заниматься со зверьком! если кто то будет игнорировать то потом может возникнуть агрессия!
Успешного Вам воспитания…главное помните – мы несем ответственность за прирученных!
Methods of taming sable
Sometimes it happens that you need to keep absolutely wild animals of the marten family caught in the wild at home.We can talk about sick or injured animals, which should not yet return to nature.
If you plan to keep a wild animal indoors-whether it's a column or a sable-don't expect it to love you immediately.It is important to understand this key point: do not expect everything from the animal at once – especially at first.Just keep calm and be patient – and after a certain period of time, all the work will be rewarded.
The best option is to place the sable in a free cage-along with the necessary accessories – a house, a tray, a drinking bowl with water.
The nest house should be equipped with bedding – for example, hay or old things.
This way the animal will hide if it gets tired of attention or in other words, it guarantees its safety.
If the cage is not the largest size, place the house not from the inside, but from the outside – and this is the key to saving space for walking.
Do not be surprised that at first the animal will cope with its natural needs without leaving the nest (it is still not completely used to You and is wary).After some time, he will get used to it, will choose a variant of the restroom .As a rule, we are talking about some corner in the cage.
This is where you should place the tray but only first use a specialized filler (preferably wood).
The best way out is to first transfer all the sable's excrement to the tray so this way you will show him where the toilet is located.So that Your ward as soon as possible stopped coping with their needs directly in the nest, do not overdo it with the territory of the house because it should not be too huge (but not too tight).
Are you afraid that the animal will run away while you are cleaning the cage?
In this case, install a specialized gate or door that closes the entrance and exit of the nest.
When feeding, clearly observe the regime – when you get it, you can not do it but only in the morning and evening.If something is not eaten, clean the cage.
In most cases, the animals quickly get used to the new conditions and are already waiting for their food at the set time.
After that, try to make sure that the animal is not afraid to eat right in front of You.
What should you do?When you are feeding, sit silently near the sable cage.Remove any sudden movements and make no noise.Repeat the process several times –and the animal will quickly get used to You, will not pay attention to Your presence.
The next step is to make sure that the animal starts eating right out of your hands.
At first, this will be a little stressful for the animal, so start with feeding with a spoon (as long as it is made of wood).So you can give not only standard food, but different desserts , for example, honey, nuts, meat-the main thing is not to overdo anything.After a while, the animal will not be afraid that a hand is being pulled to it .It will run up for its favorite food or feed.And this is the perfect moment for hand-feeding.At first, it will just snatch the treat, and run away – be careful.
After that, release it directly into the apartment, teach it not to distribute food to the cells, using the methods we have mentioned above.In the same way ,through food or dessert, the animal can be safely sent to the cage.
Never intimidate an animal, do not catch it by force.
So You will only stretch the parenting procedure for a more significant period of time.The animal has great mental abilities, excellent memory .If you take it with resistance, another time it will try to simply escape.It can also start to growl and show negative emotions.
Sable is quite a quiet animal .If it snarls, just don't touch it anymore and everything will be fine.
If he starts biting his hand, say "no" or "Ai"loudly.Don't hit or intimidate sable.
The most extreme case is to tap its nose with your finger and add that "not allowed".
Do not hold the animal in your hands. If there are strangers . It is timid, it can start to break out.Accidentally You will be scratched, it can bite or even pee.
The main point is that if the sable does not want to be held in his hands then let it go.
Just do not perform actions that irritate him so that he does not get angry.
So you can lose his trust and break all contacts ,especially if it is a girl.
At the same time, the animal must understand well what actions are acceptable and what are not.So calmly, without conflict, correct it with the command "can't" or the usual word "Ai".
After that, when you get used to each other, do what you want as the animal will not be so offended.
But first you need to endure the moment of getting close.
If you use such simple methods of taming, Your animal will understand that You are his friend.
After that, it will independently jump on Your lap, for your favorite dessert.
Kunya are the smartest animals, they understand perfectly how to treat them.
So a little patience and persistence to have pleasant results which will surprise you.
Be Successful in breeding. T is important to remember that we are responsible for tamed!
Home sable
Methods of sable taming
A home sable
To say that sable is very beautiful is not to say anything about its beauty.
The animal has silky fur, which is more like Swan's down.Since ancient times, sable fur was considered Royal and skins were worth weight in gold.
The animal has an elegant appearance. It has a slender body, long legs, a small tail, large ears, and a pretty face.All this makes the animal really irresistible.
In the summer, the fur is short, which makes the sable look lean.
But as soon as the first winter months come, the animal has an incredibly beautiful fur coat.Curious face in appearance begins to resemble a Teddy bear.
It is not uncommon for Sables to be kept at home.If you compare the care and keeping of sable with other animals belonging to the family of Martens, they differ significantly.
Unlike its counterparts, the sable does not have an unpleasant smell from the anal glands.In addition, the animal is quite clean, smart, it is easy to tame, as a result of which it is able to completely become domestic.
People who have ever had contact with domesticated Sables in their lives know that animals are captivating with their temper, they quickly become attached, and then require maximum attention and love.If you want to talk to someone on the phone, read a book or do something you love, then you will not be able to do it alone for sure, because the company will be sable.There are few people managed not to fall in love with this cute and interesting animal at first sight.
However, only those Sables that were grown at home almost from birth can become completely tame.These animals are willing to go to the hands, can sleep on your lap.Sables express their mood due to the purring.Animals respond very well to caress, attention, care.There are cases when Sables were lickeing the owner's face at the very moment when they were stroking, then fell asleep, taking a variety of poses in their sleep.Just like any other Pets (cats, dogs), Sables respond to their nickname, can come to the voice.
There are also cases when adult wild animals were kept at home, which also brought its fruitful results.Animals that were taken home from the wild quickly got used to the company of humans.If we consider too aggressive individuals, then among them were those who from the first day began to take food out of their hands.After some time, the animals began to sleep in the same bed with the owner, climbed up to him at every convenient opportunity on his lap.
There is a known case when sable became friends with a husky .They went everywhere around the house together, ate from the same bowl, and went to the toilet in a special box filled with river sand.
Quite interesting information was shared by one of the fishermen.He had a sable in his winter quarters, which, like a domestic cat, caught mice, tracking them on the same principle.Another animal, who was lucky enough to live in a private house, went for a walk on the street.At the same time, he left the house through an open window and returned in the same way.
You can grow a completely domestic and affectionate sable, but only if it was taken home at an early age, at the time when it just started to feed on its own.
Young individuals are characterized by maximum mobility, they have a large reserve of energy.It would seem that the animals are only a few months old, and they are running around the house, chasing each other, jumping on the furniture, and then jumping on the floor like squirrels.
At two months of age, Sables become tenacious.They have sharp teeth like needles.Permanent teeth replace milk teeth by about 5 months of life.
If you watch them while playing, you can compare them to both cats and dogs at the same time.
Animals easily chase a toy tied to a string, try to catch it, take it away.
At the same time, they are like puppies screeching, growling, trying to fight with each other.During the game, they acquire many of the instincts characteristic of hunters, in addition, they become much stronger muscles.
Sables are so mobile and energetic that looking at them, you can't help but feel as if they have invisible wings.
In natural conditions, sable is a nocturnal predator.At home, the animals adjust to the schedule of the household, as a result, they show maximum activity during the day, and at night they sleep together with everyone.Individuals taken home from a young age, get along well with other Pets – cats, dogs, ferrets.Young sabels are used to their new friends so that they an sleep together.Sabels are a real threat for fitches but they become amiable at home.
Despite the fact being terrrestrial , he sometimes can climb up.
They often happened to be inside the hollow and after make a place for their breed.
The animals can climb the curtains and carpets.Sables are not quick up to age of two months so follow his behavior to avoid its hurting..There ae cases after climbing they fall down with further paralysis.At getting old,they become more interesting for their behavior and ongoings.They are often too tamed and can be annoying.Whether the owner or a stranger enters the room can be interesting
A sable cannot be calm untill final investigation.
It is important to take into account the fact that Sables are quite hoarding animals.
Even when they are at home, they try to hide bits of food in secret places.
It is not uncommon for them to use the most inappropriate places for this purpose.
In this way, Sables can hide food unnoticed in the shirt pocket, behind the collar.
Despite the fact that it is sometimes extremely difficult to notice such actions, it causes emotion.It is interesting to watch the animal watching TV, from time to time trying to catch moving images.
A distinctive feature of the animal is its intelligence and intelligence, as a result of which they are perfectly amenable to training and education.
It is enough to put a tray for cats and show sable, and he will use it as a toilet.
There are cases when animals go to the toilet as it should be.
If you plan to leave the sable at home alone for some time, it is recommended to close it on the balcony or in a specially designated room.This is due to the fact that during the absence of the owner in the house will be put in capital "order".
Most of all, animals like to throw all objects on the floor, climb curtains, open cabinets and throw out all the contents.
As a toy, you can use absolutely any thing, but it does not necessarily have to be suitable for games.After the sable has played enough, it hides its toy safely.
It is recommended to immediately purchase a spacious cage with a house in the form of a nest.This is necessary in order to be able to close an overly active sable at any time.
Sable is very jealous by nature.As a host, he chooses only one, and the other members of the family, he will ignore in every possible way and do not show proper respect.
Many animals do not breathe evenly in relation to upholstered furniture, as a result of which they can arrange a nest or a warehouse for products and toys on the sofa or chair.
Young animals have quite a various set of sound signals.If the animal is hungry, then the owner will be notified of this by a sound signal that resembles both a creak and an incomprehensible quack.Such signals are given for a long time, abruptly stop, you can compare with the cries of gulls.
Thus, the sable complains about something or asks for something from its owner.
If the animal is dissatisfied with something or is experiencing aggression, it begins to growl like a dog.If all is well, the little prankster purrs.
Throughout the summer period, individuals live together amicably, however, as soon as September comes, the flock begins constant fights and quarrels over food and space.For this reason, it is not recommended to keep several animals together at once.In autumn, the sable becomes irritable.This period of time is accompanied by food supplies, as a result of which you can find food in the most unusual places.
If compared with other animals belonging to the family of Martens, the sable is a long-lived animal.Thus, the animal can live at home for up to 20 years.There is a known case when one of the animals lived for 22 years.Reproductive abilities are preserved throughout life.Puberty occurs in the fourth year of life.Females bear offspring for 9 months.
In natural conditions, Sables differ not only in size, but also in color.
As a rule, this depends on the place where the animals live.Today breeders have managed to breed Sables of dark and monochrome colors, while they differ significantly from wild Sables.As you know, such work is carried out only in order to get high-quality fur.
Methods of taming sable
Sometimes it happens that you need to keep absolutely wild animals of the marten family caught in the wild at home.We can talk about sick or injured animals, which should not yet return to nature.
If you plan to keep a wild animal indoors-whether it's a column or a sable-don't expect it to love you immediately.It is important to understand this key point: do not expect everything from the animal at once – especially at first.Just keep calm and be patient – and after a certain period of time, all the work will be rewarded.
The best option is to place the sable in a free cage-along with the necessary accessories – a house, a tray, a drinking bowl with water.
The nest house should be equipped with bedding – for example, hay or old things.
This way the animal will hide if it gets tired of attention or in other words, it guarantees its safety.
If the cage is not the largest size, place the house not from the inside, but from the outside – and this is the key to saving space for walking.
Do not be surprised that at first the animal will cope with its natural needs without leaving the nest (it is still not completely used to You and is wary).After some time, he will get used to it, will choose a variant of the restroom .As a rule, we are talking about some corner in the cage.
This is where you should place the tray but only first use a specialized filler (preferably wood).
The best way out is to first transfer all the sable's excrement to the tray so this way you will show him where the toilet is located.So that Your ward as soon as possible stopped coping with their needs directly in the nest, do not overdo it with the territory of the house because it should not be too huge (but not too tight).
Are you afraid that the animal will run away while you are cleaning the cage?
In this case, install a specialized gate or door that closes the entrance and exit of the nest.
When feeding, clearly observe the regime – when you get it, you can not do it but only in the morning and evening.If something is not eaten, clean the cage.
In most cases, the animals quickly get used to the new conditions and are already waiting for their food at the set time.
After that, try to make sure that the animal is not afraid to eat right in front of You.
What should you do?When you are feeding, sit silently near the sable cage.Remove any sudden movements and make no noise.Repeat the process several times –and the animal will quickly get used to You, will not pay attention to Your presence.
The next step is to make sure that the animal starts eating right out of your hands.
At first, this will be a little stressful for the animal, so start with feeding with a spoon (as long as it is made of wood).So you can give not only standard food, but different desserts , for example, honey, nuts, meat-the main thing is not to overdo anything.After a while, the animal will not be afraid that a hand is being pulled to it .It will run up for its favorite food or feed.And this is the perfect moment for hand-feeding.At first, it will just snatch the treat, and run away – be careful.
After that, release it directly into the apartment, teach it not to distribute food to the cells, using the methods we have mentioned above.In the same way ,through food or dessert, the animal can be safely sent to the cage.
Never intimidate an animal, do not catch it by force.
So You will only stretch the parenting procedure for a more significant period of time.The animal has great mental abilities, excellent memory .If you take it with resistance, another time it will try to simply escape.It can also start to growl and show negative emotions.
Sable is quite a quiet animal .If it snarls, just don't touch it anymore and everything will be fine.
If he starts biting his hand, say "no" or "Ai"loudly.Don't hit or intimidate sable.
The most extreme case is to tap its nose with your finger and add that "not allowed".
Do not hold the animal in your hands. If there are strangers . It is timid, it can start to break out.Accidentally You will be scratched, it can bite or even pee.
The main point is that if the sable does not want to be held in his hands then let it go.
Just do not perform actions that irritate him so that he does not get angry.
So you can lose his trust and break all contacts ,especially if it is a girl.
At the same time, the animal must understand well what actions are acceptable and what are not.So calmly, without conflict, correct it with the command "can't" or the usual word "Ai".
After that, when you get used to each other, do what you want as the animal will not be so offended.
But first you need to endure the moment of getting close.
If you use such simple methods of taming, Your animal will understand that You are his friend.
After that, it will independently jump on Your lap, for your favorite dessert.
Kunya are the smartest animals, they understand perfectly how to treat them.
So a little patience and persistence to have pleasant results which will surprise you.
Be Successful in breeding. T is important to remember that we are responsible for tamed!